Web has evolved and continues to do so every day. More applications, more users, more webpreneurs and more web millionaires. Stories of people making it big on the net are aplenty. There is no dearth of innovation (and no scarcity of replication either). People have made money both ways.

Web 1.0 has given way to Web 2.0. From the ancient era of static, simple websites to complex, interactive and dynamic websites, and then to the social networking phenomenon. Many internet 'visionaries' say it is still the beginning and we are yet to see the true power of internet. And they may be right. Very soon, we could have Web 3.0 accomplishing what we do not even currently imagine. After all, when the web came into existence, nobody (except for a handful of futurists, perhaps) would have ever thought where it would be today.

Let's hear from the futurists amoug us as to what 'magic' Web 3.0 could unfold ?