Reading books has never been easier. You can now store and take stacks of books with you wherever you go. To do that, all you need is Sony's slim and compact Reader.

The Reader from Sony can hold around 160 eBooks. Using MemoryStick™ DUO and SD Card slots, you can increase capacity up to around 13,000 titles. You can do a quick search on the eBooks using Author, Title or Date.

General Data on Sony's eReader (Model PRS-505)

Width (mm)


Height (mm)


Depth (mm)


Weight (g)


It comes pre-loaded with sample new eBooks and excerpts, plus a disc containing 100 free complete Classic favourites (while stocks last).

The Reader is already available in the US market at around US$299. It will be out in the UK market in September 2008. If you are in UK, you can book your's today on their UK site. The cost is around £199.